In Tdm Slots Are Further Divided Into

  1. In Tdm Slots Are Further Divided Into What
  2. In Tdm Slots Are Further Divided Into

In TDM, slots are further divided into a) Seconds b) Frames c) Packets d) None of the mentioned. The time required to examine the packet’s header and determine where to direct the packet is part of a) Processing delay b) Queuing delay c) Transmission delay d) All of the mentioned. In Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Time of the link is divided into fixed size intervals called as time slots or time slices. Time slots are allocated to the stations in Round Robin manner. Each station transmit its data during the time slot allocated to it. In case, station does not have any data to send, its time slot goes waste. TDMA frame structure showing a data stream divided into frames and those frames divided into time slots TDMA is a type of time-division multiplexing (TDM), with the special point that instead of having one transmitter connected to one receiver, there are multiple transmitters.

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Multiplexing is the process of combining multiple signals into one signal, over a shared medium. If analog signals are multiplexed, it is Analog Multiplexing and if digital signals are multiplexed, that process is Digital Multiplexing.

The process of multiplexing divides a communication channel into several number of logical channels, allotting each one for a different message signal or a data stream to be transferred. The device that does multiplexing can be simply called as a MUX while the one that reverses the process which is demultiplexing, is called as DEMUX.

Types of Multiplexers

There are mainly two types of multiplexers, namely analog and digital. They are further divided into FDM, WDM, and TDM.

Analog Multiplexing

The analog multiplexing techniques involve signals which are analog in nature. The analog signals are multiplexed according to their frequency (FDM) or wavelength (WDM).

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Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)

In analog multiplexing, the most used technique is Frequency Division Multiplexing FDM. This technique uses various frequencies to combine streams of data, for sending them on a communication medium, as a single signal.

Example: A traditional television transmitter, which sends a number of channels through a single cable, uses FDM.


Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)

Wavelength Division Multiplexing is an analog technique, in which many data streams of different wavelengths are transmitted in the light spectrum. If the wavelength increases, the frequency of the signal decreases.

In Tdm Slots Are Further Divided Into What

In Tdm Slots Are Further Divided Into

Example: Optical fibre Communications use the WDM technique, to merge different wavelengths into a single light for the communication.

Digital Multiplexing

The term digital represents the discrete bits of information. Hence the available data is in the form of frames or packets, which are discrete.

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)

In TDM, the time frame is divided into slots. This technique is used to transmit a signal over a single communication channel, with allotting one slot for each message. Of all the types of TDM, the main ones are Synchronous and Asynchronous TDM.

Synchronous TDM

In Synchronous TDM, the input is connected to a frame. If there are ‘n’ number of connections, then the frame is divided into ‘n’ time slots. One slot is allocated for each input line. In this technique, the sampling rate is common to all signals and hence same clock input is given. The mux allocates the same slot to each device at all times.

Asynchronous TDM

In Asynchronous TDM, the sampling rate is different for each of the signals and the clock signal is also not in common. If the allotted device, for a time-slot, transmits nothing and sits idle, then that slot is allotted to another device, unlike synchronous.

(Redirected from Time division multiple access)

Time-division multiple access (TDMA) is a channel access method for shared-medium networks. It allows several users to share the same frequency channel by dividing the signal into different time slots.[1] The users transmit in rapid succession, one after the other, each using its own time slot. This allows multiple stations to share the same transmission medium (e.g. radio frequency channel) while using only a part of its channel capacity. TDMA is used in the digital 2Gcellular systems such as Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), IS-136, Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) and iDEN, and in the Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) standard for portable phones. TDMA was first used in satellite communication systems by Western Union in its Westar 3 communications satellite in 1979. It is now used extensively in satellite communications,[2][3][4][5]combat-net radio systems, and passive optical network (PON) networks for upstream traffic from premises to the operator. For usage of Dynamic TDMA packet mode communication, see below.

TDMA frame structure showing a data stream divided into frames and those frames divided into time slots

TDMA is a type of time-division multiplexing (TDM), with the special point that instead of having one transmitter connected to one receiver, there are multiple transmitters. In the case of the uplink from a mobile phone to a base station this becomes particularly difficult because the mobile phone can move around and vary the timing advance required to make its transmission match the gap in transmission from its peers.

  • 2TDMA in mobile phone systems

TDMA characteristics[edit]

  • Shares single carrier frequency with multiple users
  • Non-continuous transmission makes handoff simpler
  • Slots can be assigned on demand in dynamic TDMA
  • Less stringent power control than CDMA due to reduced intra cell interference
  • Higher synchronization overhead than CDMA
  • Advanced equalization may be necessary for high data rates if the channel is 'frequency selective' and creates Intersymbol interference
  • Cell breathing (borrowing resources from adjacent cells) is more complicated than in CDMA
  • Frequency/slot allocation complexity
  • Pulsating power envelope: interference with other devices

TDMA in mobile phone systems[edit]

2G systems[edit]

Most 2G cellular systems, with the notable exception of IS-95, are based on TDMA. GSM, D-AMPS, PDC, iDEN, and PHS are examples of TDMA cellular systems. GSM combines TDMA with Frequency Hopping and wideband transmission to minimize common types of interference.

In Tdm Slots Are Further Divided Into

In the GSM system, the synchronization of the mobile phones is achieved by sending timing advance commands from the base station which instructs the mobile phone to transmit earlier and by how much. This compensates for the propagation delay resulting from the light speed velocity of radio waves. The mobile phone is not allowed to transmit for its entire time slot, but there is a guard interval at the end of each time slot. As the transmission moves into the guard period, the mobile network adjusts the timing advance to synchronize the transmission.

Initial synchronization of a phone requires even more care. Before a mobile transmits there is no way to actually know the offset required. For this reason, an entire time slot has to be dedicated to mobiles attempting to contact the network; this is known as the random-access channel (RACH) in GSM. The mobile attempts to broadcast at the beginning of the time slot, as received from the network. If the mobile is located next to the base station, there will be no time delay and this will succeed. If, however, the mobile phone is at just less than 35 km from the base station, the time delay will mean the mobile's broadcast arrives at the very end of the time slot. In that case, the mobile will be instructed to broadcast its messages starting nearly a whole time slot earlier than would be expected otherwise. Finally, if the mobile is beyond the 35 km cell range in GSM, then the RACH will arrive in a neighbouring time slot and be ignored. It is this feature, rather than limitations of power, that limits the range of a GSM cell to 35 km when no special extension techniques are used. By changing the synchronization between the uplink and downlink at the base station, however, this limitation can be overcome.[citation needed]

3G systems[edit]

Although most major 3G systems are primarily based upon CDMA,[6] time-division duplexing (TDD), packet scheduling (dynamic TDMA) and packet oriented multiple access schemes are available in 3G form, combined with CDMA to take advantage of the benefits of both technologies.

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While the most popular form of the UMTS 3G system uses CDMA and frequency division duplexing (FDD) instead of TDMA, TDMA is combined with CDMA and time-division duplexing in two standard UMTS UTRA.

TDMA in wired networks[edit]

The standard, which provides high-speed local area networking over existing home wiring (power lines, phone lines and coaxial cables) is based on a TDMA scheme. In, a 'master' device allocates 'Contention-Free Transmission Opportunities' (CFTXOP) to other 'slave' devices in the network. Only one device can use a CFTXOP at a time, thus avoiding collisions.FlexRay protocol which is also a wired network used for safety-critical communication in modern cars, uses the TDMA method for data transmission control.

Comparison with other multiple-access schemes[edit]

In radio systems, TDMA is usually used alongside frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) and frequency division duplex (FDD); the combination is referred to as FDMA/TDMA/FDD. This is the case in both GSM and IS-136 for example. Exceptions to this include the DECT and Personal Handy-phone System (PHS) micro-cellular systems, UMTS-TDD UMTS variant, and China's TD-SCDMA, which use time-division duplexing, where different time slots are allocated for the base station and handsets on the same frequency.

A major advantage of TDMA is that the radio part of the mobile only needs to listen and broadcast for its own time slot. For the rest of the time, the mobile can carry out measurements on the network, detecting surrounding transmitters on different frequencies. This allows safe inter frequency handovers, something which is difficult in CDMA systems, not supported at all in IS-95 and supported through complex system additions in Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). This in turn allows for co-existence of microcell layers with macrocell layers.

CDMA, by comparison, supports 'soft hand-off' which allows a mobile phone to be in communication with up to 6 base stations simultaneously, a type of 'same-frequency handover'. The incoming packets are compared for quality, and the best one is selected. CDMA's 'cell breathing' characteristic, where a terminal on the boundary of two congested cells will be unable to receive a clear signal, can often negate this advantage during peak periods.

A disadvantage of TDMA systems is that they create interference at a frequency which is directly connected to the time slot length. This is the buzz which can sometimes be heard if a TDMA phone is left next to a radio or speakers.[7] Another disadvantage is that the 'dead time' between time slots limits the potential bandwidth of a TDMA channel. These are implemented in part because of the difficulty in ensuring that different terminals transmit at exactly the times required. Handsets that are moving will need to constantly adjust their timings to ensure their transmission is received at precisely the right time, because as they move further from the base station, their signal will take longer to arrive. This also means that the major TDMA systems have hard limits on cell sizes in terms of range, though in practice the power levels required to receive and transmit over distances greater than the supported range would be mostly impractical anyway.

Dynamic TDMA[edit]

In dynamic time-division multiple access (dynamic TDMA), a scheduling algorithm dynamically reserves a variable number of time slots in each frame to variable bit-rate data streams, based on the traffic demand of each data stream. Dynamic TDMA is used in

  • HIPERLAN/2 broadband radio access network.
  • IEEE 802.16a WiMax
  • Military Radios / Tactical Data Link

See also[edit]

  • Channel access methods (CAM)
  • Duplex (telecommunications) (FDD, TDD)


  1. ^Guowang Miao; Jens Zander; Ki Won Sung; Ben Slimane (2016). Fundamentals of Mobile Data Networks. Cambridge University Press. ISBN1107143217.
  2. ^Maine, K.; Devieux, C.; Swan, P. (November 1995). Overview of IRIDIUM satellite network. WESCON'95. IEEE. p. 483.
  3. ^Mazzella, M.; Cohen, M.; Rouffet, D.; Louie, M.; Gilhousen, K. S. (April 1993). Multiple access techniques and spectrum utilisation of the GLOBALSTAR mobile satellite system. Fourth IEE Conference on Telecommunications 1993. IET. pp. 306–311.
  4. ^Sturza, M. A. (June 1995). Architecture of the TELEDESIC satellite system. International Mobile Satellite Conference. 95. p. 214.
  5. ^'ORBCOMM System Overview'(PDF).
  6. ^K. Jagannatham, Aditya (2016). Principles of Modern Wireless Communication Systems. McGraw-Hill Education.
  7. ^'Minimize GSM buzz noise in mobile phones'. EETimes. July 20, 2009. Retrieved November 22, 2010.
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